ESN Aalto will be going to play some curling! Join us for this game of sliding stones on ice and crazy sweeping! It’s your chance to try the first icy sport of the winter!
This event will take place on Thursday 12.11 at 18:00-20:00 in an indoor ice court in Oulunkylä, Helsinki. The activity includes all equipment, instruction in English and of course some game time.
Have no clue what curling is? Check this out: We promise it is super fun!
The price will be 17 € with ESNcard and 20 € without it. The registration is binding. Get your ticket at our help desks during the following times. Help desks are held in the main building in Otaniemi (Otakaari 1). One person is allowed to buy max 2 tickets.
- Wednesday 4.11 at 12-14
- Thursday 5.11 at 10-12
More help desk times will be announced if there is still space. Don’t wait too long as we won’t be able to take registrations too close to the event due to restrictions from the instructors.
For questions, please contact Meri Nihtilä
- All equipment