Nature time! It’s time to discover the great nature Finland has to offer – the beautiful forest and lakes of Nuuksio National Park. ESN Aalto will take you to the park on Saturday 30 Sep for a nature walk.
Grab your gear, take your camera, and get ready for a fun tour in the forest! Snacks and water are also a good idea and you might be able to barbeque something along the way ;)
We will take the bus from Otaniemi at around 10 am, a more precise time will be posted closer to the event. You can also meet us at the park.
It takes over an hour by bus to the park and there are then many options for the walks at the park.
In short:
WHEN: 30.9. at 10 am
WHERE: Nuuksio National Park
MEETING PLACE: Otaniemi or the park
WHY: Nature! :)