
It’s time for the best sitsit of the spring, presented to you by ESN Aalto and the other ESN sections in Helsinki!

We’d like to welcome all international students and internationally minded people to this ESN sitsit on Friday 21.3. The event will take place in Smökki, in Otaniemi. Joining us for this party is ESN HYY, ESN Helga and ESN Metropolia. So join us for this academic dinner party including lots of singing, drinking, a wonderful menu, and all of this in awesome company!

WHEN: Friday 21.3.2014 at 19:00
WHERE: Smökki, Otaniemi (Jämeräntaival 4)
PRICE: With ESNcard 15 €/non-alcoholic 13 € (without ESNcard 17 €/15 €)
DRESSCODE: Suit/dress with accessories representing your home country (if you don’t have a suit/dress here, then smart casual is also fine)

SIGN UP: To make the registration easier and faster, use the link below to submit all your information for the sitsit registration. However, to secure your spot, you must come to our help desk and pay. So the first people at the help desk who also have submitted their info through the link will get a spot at the sitsit. One person can pay for a maximum of 2 other people.

Registration link:

Our help desks will be (or how long tickets last):
- Tuesday 11.3 at 10-11:45 in the Alvari lobby in the main building in Otaniemi
- Wednesday 12.3 at 17-18 in the Alvari lobby in the main building in Otaniemi
- Thursday 13.3 at 11-13 in the Alvari lobby in the main building in Otaniemi

Be fast to reserve your spot as the number of participants is limited!

Smökki, Jämeräntaival 4
With ESNcard 15 €/non-alcoholic 13 € (without ESNcard 17 €/15 €)