ESN Aalto will have the spring meeting of the association on Monday 31st of March @ 18:00!

The meeting is defined as

"10§ The Spring meeting of the association is held in February - March on a date set by the board. In the spring meeting the financial statement of the previous year, the activity report and the statement of the activity auditor are presented. The decision on approving the financial statement is made and the decision on whether or not the old board and others liable are released of liability is made. In addition the action plan and budget are approved and membership fees are decided and any other matters presented in the meeting call are taken care of."

Which means we will be mainly discussing
- the previous year and it's activities,
- hearing the auditors report on the activities of the association,
- checking the activity report for 2013,
- checking the financial statement for 2013,
- approving these documents & voting on releasing the board of 2013 from its liability.

We will also have a look to the future and this ongoing year for ESN Aalto, which will include
- checking the action plan for 2014,
- checking the budget for 2014,
- decide the membership fee for 2014-2015 academic year.

In addition we will ofcourse be taking a look at some of the things the association normally does, which includes the past events
- St. Petersburg trip
as well as some upcoming events
- Aussie club
- Cottage Trip
- Beerpong
- Lasertag #3

We will also have a discussion on ordering some ESN Goodies for our current active members, hoodies etc.

There will also be the possibility to join us should you be interested, as well as bring ideas to the association to take forward!

The meeting will be held in Jämeräntaival 5 A Living Room.

- Mikael

31.3.2014 @ 18:00
Jämeräntaival 5 A Living Room