Wanna see how ESN Aalto actually works? Wanna get to know our board and active members? Maybe even become an active member yourself? Join us on Wednesday 28.1 at 17:00 for our General meeting! Our general meetings are where we plan all our events, and discuss and decide on any other current matters.
If you want to become an active member of ESN Aalto, you need to join one of our general meetings so this is a perfect chance for you! Our active members help us organize our events and can have some other smaller tasks. It’s for sure worth joining!
The meeting will be held in the club room in Jämeräntaival 10 H. You’ll find the place by going to the end of the street and the right door is the last door in the building on the left.
You can find the agenda for the meeting below. We’ll start by presenting ourselves and the association before moving into the meeting matters.
1.Opening the meeting
2.Acknowledging the present members
3.Introduction of new present people
4.Meeting the quorum
5.Approving the agenda for the current meeting
6.Approving the minutes of the previous two meetings #1 and #2
7.Past events
• Orientation presentation and stand 9.1
• Introduction of ESN to Mosaic’s new board 10.1
• Welcome sauna party 11.1
• Wine and Cheese evening 14.1
• Lasertag 21.1
• Visit to Nuuksio national park 24.1
• Erasmus in Schools 26.1
• Movie night 26.1
8.Upcoming events
• Visit to Helsinki City Museum 29.1
• Updates on Pirates of the Baltic Sea
• Date for lasertag #2
• Date for Fazer #2
• Cottage Trip 7-8.2
• Shrove Monday 9.2
• Visit to Fazer 11.2
9.Communication & PR matters
• Notifications
• Open comments
10.Association matters
• Approving new active members
• Resignation of members
• Finalizing participants for NP Jyväskylä
• Finalizing participants for Lapland to Saariselkä
• National and International news & updates
11.Financial matters
• Actives cottage trip costs
• Receipts to turn in
• TTE-fund
12.Other matters
• Rule changes discussion [if time to discuss]
• Open comments
13.Next meeting
14.Next meeting’s agenda
28/01/2015 - 17:00 to 29/01/2015 - 16:45
Club room in Jämeräntaival 10 H