ESN Aalto is organizing a lasertag game so come and find your inner Barney Stinson and join the fun!
We’re organizing a game of lasertag on Wednesday, 21.01. at 18:45 at the Megazone arena in Helsinki. Lasertag is played in a dimly lit, fog-filled, multi-level arena where players are provided with high tech vests and awesome but harmless laser guns. Players then try to score points by deactivating other players’ vests and destroying their bases.
We will have three teams of 10 players (in total 30 players). Since the space is limited and the number of ESN Aalto active members is already enough to build a strong team you should be quick to buy the ticket! The price is 8 € with the ESNcard and 9 € without it.
Tickets will be sold in our Welcome Sauna event this Sunday ( and if there are tickets left, in our help desks. Stay tuned!
For questions, please contact Anja Thiede