ESN Aalto and ESN HYY invite you all to join us for one of the biggest student events in Finland - Shrove Tuesday (Laskiaistiistai). According to the tradition we will of course go sledding with hundreds of other students at Ullanlinnanmäki, but before that we'd like to invite you to get a taste of another important Finnish Shrove Tuesday tradition: the certain kind of buns filled with jam and cream (fin. "laskiaispulla"). You just simply cannot celebrate Shrove Tuesday in Finland without having one of these!
Come to the New Student house (Mannerheimintie 5 A), 2nd floor, at 12 o'clock in order to get a free, traditional Finnish laskiaispulla by showing your ESNcard. There will be enough buns for the first hundred exchange/international students who show up. After eating, we will head to Ullanlinnanmäki together. In the evening, you can continue the party at ESN HYY’s winter carnival (in Tiger) or at Gravitaatio (in The Circus), the official afterparty of the Shrovetide Celebrations organized by Aalto students.
The buns will be home made by ESN Aalto and ESN HYY.
All in all: it will be an awesome Tuesday!
The FB-event for Laskiaisrieha:
The FB-event for ESN HYY’s winter carnival:
The FB-event for Gravitaatio: