Every good thing comes to an end, so we at ESN Aalto decided to make it the best possible! The White T-shirt Farewell Party is here. Get a t-shirt and have your friends to sign it. It's one of the best ways to save all your memories ;)
This goodbye party will take place on 3.12 in Club Aussie Bar. We will be selling awesome custom t-shirts made just for you! The theme is white t-shirt and pre-Christmas.
We will be selling pre-sale tickets, including one DRINK. You can also buy the t-shirt in advance and get a combo price. The included drink and combo price only applies for pre-sale tickets. Prices are:
- 5 € with ESNcard, combo 10 €
- 6 € without ESNcard, combo 12 €
- t-shirt bought at the party 7 €
Help desks for pre-sale tickets will be:
- Friday 28.11 11.30-12.30
- Monday 1.12 11.30-12.30
- Tuesday 2.12 11-13
- Wednesday 3.12 11-13
All help desks will be in the Alvari lobby in the main building in Otaniemi (Otakaari 1).
There will be a huge raffle at the party and cheaper drinks before midnight, so come early!
WHAT: White T-shirt Farewell Party
WHERE: Club Aussie Bar, Vilhonkatu 6
WHEN: 3.12 at 20.00
WHY: Last big party with your friends!
DRESSCODE: White t-shirt + pre-Christmas
Please remember to bring an ID accepted by the bar.
- Pre-sake tickets include one drink