
ESN Aalto invites everyone to join us for a wine & cheese evening on Wednesday January 14th at 18:00!

Join us for this relaxed evening in wonderful company filled with wine and cheese. The concept is very simple: everybody brings a cheese to share and wine for themselves. We will provide some crackers.

The event will take place in the living room in Jämeräntaival 5A. You will find the living room when you enter JMT 5, walk down the stairs and it will be on the right side of the hallway.

We will also have a presentation of our association going on. Many of our board and active members will of course be present, so if you have any questions about our events or maybe about becoming an active member, this is a wonderful opportunity to get an answer to those questions!

14/01/2015 - 18:00 to 15/01/2015 - 17:45
Living room, Jämeräntaival 5A
Free, but bring cheese to share and wine for yourself